7 Thoughts to Jump Start Your 2015

I'm no prophet. I'm not a guru or a spiritual adviser. I'm just a work in progress like everybody else but this year I've had some revelations and I thought I'd share them with you. If something resonates and helps you then I'm grateful that I've had the opportunity to do that. 

Here are 7 things that I've come to really realize this year: 

1. The more you try to avoid maintenance duties, the more difficult they will make your life. Just do it a little every day and you can rest easier. It might seem in the short run that you'll get more free time to relax and do things you enjoy if you procrastinate but its exactly the opposite. 

2. I can change! We can change anytime you want to. No matter what you've been telling yourself about what you know about yourself, you can change. It just takes a few minutes each day to start a new habit or replace a bad one. This year I learned how to lose weight! I also quit drinking diet pepsi and smoking cigarettes! I have felt trapped by my weight and by my addiction to caffeine and nicotine but now I'm free! Now I know I can change. That voice that told me I couldn't was a liar! A big fat liar! 

3. It's all BS. Make a list of things you know about yourself and challenge those facts. Write out who you are, what you are not capable of, what you like and dislike, what your shortcomings are. Most of that stuff is not even real except in your head. Challenge those limitations because they are bars of your jail cell and they will eventually surround you.   

4. What is missing in order for you to be happy? Challenge yourself about what conditions are essential to your happiness. The programming in your mind about what would enable you to be happy might be complete and utter bullshit. In fact, I'm sure it is!

4. You have to let go of stuff! I used to think I had to do everything, impress everybody and constantly prove myself to stay relevant. Guess what? I let go and nothing bad happened! Life went on. People figured out how to get along without me. I regained some perspective and I feel free to move on to other things which will lead to better growth and development for myself instead of feeling like I have to stay in the same place and help everybody else. Nobody likes a martyr! Get over yourself and let go! There's a big wide world out there. 

5. Imagine that you just arrived in your body and you have no prior knowledge of its preferences, capabilities, relationships, bad experiences, etc. You are free to wipe the slate clean and begin again anytime you want to. You are not a body having a spiritual experience, you are a spirit having a mortal experience and you can drive that ship anywhere you want to. 

6. Its never too late to learn. Get out a pen and paper and write down the skills and knowledge that you wish you had. We live in a world where information as just a web search away. There are free online college classes, Youtube tutorials, blogs, ebooks and all sorts of free resources out there. There is nothing standing between you and the education you want except YOU. Turn off the TV and turn on the light bulb in your brain. Fresh ideas await you.    

7. That feeling you get when you're all fluttery and in love? That other person didn't give you that. Stop giving them credit for it and blame when it stops. YOU gave you that. Sure, that person may be attractive and awesome and all that but ultimately it was YOUR THOUGHTS that created those emotions and you have the power to make yourself feel that way anytime you want to regardless of what happens to the object of your affection. Think about it ... you can conjure those emotions with your thoughts anytime you want to. You own that.

Thanks for reading this! Happy 2015 everybody! 


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