Home Decor Tuesday (Aug. 21st 2012) Introducing "What Does Your Couch Say About You?"
Hi All! Sorry to have missed you these last couple of weeks. Even a Lady has to work overtime sometimes and due to a job transistion I sadly just couldn't fulfill my royal duties. But, here I am back in action and I want to introduce you to a new fun idea: "What does your couch say about you?" We will be delving into the psycology of the couch. Our buying habits say so much about us and and home decor speaks volumes as soon as folks walk through the door. The couch can lay the foundation for the aura of your entire home. Let's face it. Now I'm going to start with an example of what was once thought of as an "All American" couch. Not the type of family living the American Dream so much as a blue collar, average family with family spats, loads of laundry, hell even the opening scene of the show had them eating pizza around the table (not a shiny, white kitchen, imaculate, chef prepared meal). It was this couch: This was the couch where a